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General Electric IS215UCVDH5A Mark VI SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Controller

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General Electric IS215UCVDH5A Mark VI SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Controller

General Electric IS215UCVDH5A Mark VI SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Controller
General Electric IS215UCVDH5A Mark VI SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Controller General Electric IS215UCVDH5A Mark VI SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Controller General Electric IS215UCVDH5A Mark VI SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Controller General Electric IS215UCVDH5A Mark VI SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Controller

큰 이미지 :  General Electric IS215UCVDH5A Mark VI SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Controller

제품 상세 정보:

Place of Origin: USA
브랜드 이름: General Electric
인증: CE
모델 번호: IS215UCVDH5A

결제 및 배송 조건:

최소 주문 수량: 1EA
가격: USD
포장 세부 사항: 원형
배달 시간: 5-8 근무일
지불 조건: 전신환
공급 능력: 10EA
상세 제품 설명
제조사: 제너럴 일렉트릭 부품번호: IS215UCVDH5A
상품 종류 :: 프로세서 / 제어기 시리즈: 스피드트로닉은 VI를 표시합니다
외형 칫수 (안에): 10.5H X 7.75D X 3.5W 중량: 3lbs
패키지: 식자재원산지정보 보증: 1년이요

General Electric IS215UCVDH5A Mark VI SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Controller 0




  • Part Number: IS215UCVDH5A
  • Series: Mark VI
  • Baud Rate: 19200
  • Control Model: VME Controller
  • DRAM Memory: 16 MB
  • Functional Acronym: UCVD
  • ISBus Interfaces: 2
  • Number of LEDs: 26
  • Power Requirements: +5 VDC (6.08 A), +12 VDC (900 mA), and -12 VDC (200 mA)
  • Quantity of DLAN+ Interfaces: One
  • Required VME Slots: Four
  • Revision: IS215UCVDH5AN



  • The component features a front faceplate with multiple integrated components. As seen in our photos, there is a reset switch, two Genius Terminals, two COM ports, an Ethernet port for UDH communication, two ISBUS ports, an LPT1 port, and much more.
  • This model features a 300 MHz AMD K6 processor, 16 MB of DRAM, and 8 MB of flash memory. The QNX operating system is used by this device. This operating system, like Unix, is a real-time operating system. It is primarily used in industrial applications that require high speed and reliability.
  • The UCVD has two columns of eight status LEDs. When the controller is turned on, these LEDs light up sequentially in a rotating pattern. When an error condition occurs, the LEDs flash an error code to identify the problem.

Faceplate LEDs

LEDs on the faceplate provide status information as follows:

  • ACTIVE: Processor is active
  • SLOT 1: Controller configured as slot 1 controller in VME rack
  • BMAS: VME master access is occurring
  • ENET: Ethernet activity
  • BSLV: VME slave access is occurring
  • STATUS: Display rotating LED pattern when OK, Display flashing error code when faulted
  • FLSH: Writing to Flash memory
  • GENX: Genius I/O is active

Product Attributes

  • Microprocessor: AMD-K6 300 MHz
  • Memory: 16 MB DRAM, 8 MB Flash Memory, 256 KB of level 2 cache
  • Operating System: QNX



What is IS215UCVDH5A?
It is a VME assembly board developed by GE

What are the technical specifications of this model?
This model is equipped with a 300 MHz AMD K6 processor, 16 MB of DRAM, and 8 MB of flash memory. It uses the QNX operating system, which is a real-time operating system similar to Unix. It is commonly used in industrial applications that require high speed and reliability.

How does the UCVD indicate system status?
The UCVD has two columns of eight status LEDs. When the controller is turned on, these LEDs light up sequentially in a rotating pattern. When an error condition occurs, the LEDs flash an error code to identify the problem.

What is the primary use case for this component?
This component is designed for use in industrial applications that require high speed and reliability, particularly in real-time operating environments. It is commonly used in control systems for manufacturing, processing, and other industrial applications.


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연락처 세부 사항
Joyoung International Trading Co.,Ltd

담당자: Candy Wang

전화 번호: +8618059279924

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